Privacy Policy - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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九州体育平台入口(CHC)致力于保护您的隐私并使其成为现实 more efficient to interact with our website. We recognize your right to know what 正在收集有关您的信息以及如何使用这些信息 as our legal obligations to limit collection and protect what we do collect. You do not have to give us personal information to visit our site. Sometimes we need information 提供您所要求的服务,此隐私权承诺解释了我们的 online information practices.

这种做法符合《九州体育平台入口》的规定 Act, the Freedom of Information Law, and the Personal Privacy Protection Law. CHC 遵守家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA) to student records.

本隐私声明旨在告知您克拉夫顿的信息类型 希尔斯学院(“我们”或“我们”)收集,以及我们的政策和做法,九州体育bet9平台入口 通过网页收集、使用和披露这些信息 (the "Site").

请仔细阅读本声明,因为使用本网站,即表示您承认 您理解并同意这些条款,并同意我们可以 collect, use and disclose the foregoing information. If you do not agree to the terms of this statement, please do not use the Site.

We reserve the right to change the provisions of this Policy at any time. We will 通过在保单上注明变更日期来提醒您变更已经发生 updated. We encourage you to review this Policy from time to time to make sure that you understand how any Personal Information you provide will be used. Your continued 在发布这些条款的变更后使用本网站即表示您接受 those changes.

This Policy applies solely to information collected by the Site. It will notify you of the following:

  • What Information Do We Collect?
  • How Do We Use Your Information?
  • Do We Share Your Information?
  • How to Opt-Out of Targeted Advertising
  • Does This Policy Apply to Other Websites Linked To Or From the Site?
  • What Steps Do We Take To Protect Your Information?


What Information Do We Collect?

Personal Information You Provide to Us — 我们仅能访问和收集个人信息(如您的姓名、日期、日期等) 出生,社会安全号码,信用卡号码,邮寄地址或账单地址,电话 号码、电子邮件地址和电子邮件偏好(统称为“个人信息”) that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent your Personal Information to anyone. We are the sole owners of the Personal Information collected on this Site.

Information Collected by Automated Means — 当您使用本网站时,我们以及我们的任何第三方广告商和/或 服务提供商可以使用各种自动收集信息的技术 about how the Site is accessed and used ("Usage Information"). Usage Information may 包括部分浏览器类型、操作系统、所提供的页面、时间、数量 访问本网站的用户,以及您在访问本网站之前访问的网站. This 统计数据为我们提供有关网站使用情况的信息,例如如何使用 有多少访问者访问网站上的特定页面,他们在该页面上停留了多长时间, and which hyperlinks, if any, they "click" on. Usage Information helps us to keep 该网站新鲜和有趣的访客,并量身定制的内容,以访客的 interests. Usage Information is generally non-identifying, but if we associate it 如果您是一个特定的可识别的人,我们将其视为个人信息.

Device Identifiers — 在收集使用信息的过程中,我们也可能收集您的IP地址, MAC地址或计算机的其他唯一标识符(各称为“设备标识符”), 移动设备、Wi-Fi卡或其他技术(统称为“设备”) access the Site. A Device Identifier is a number that is automatically assigned to your Device when you access a web site or its servers. Our computers identify your Device by its Device Identifier. When you visit the Sites, we may view your Device Identifier. We use this information to identify repeat visitors to our Site. We also 可能会使用这些信息向您发送有针对性的广告和增强网站. We may associate your Device Identifier with your Personal Information.


本网站使用的技术,包括设备标识符,用于收集使用情况 Information may include, without limitation: 

Cookies —Cookies are data files placed on a Device when it is used to visit the Site. We may use cookies to collect and store certain information about you. We may use both session Cookies(一旦你关闭你的浏览器就会过期)和持久Cookies(会过期) stay on your computer until you delete them).

Web Beacons —我们还可能包括网络信标(也称为网络bug, Internet标签,像素标签, 跟踪像素和清晰的动图)与我们提供给您的内容和广告,这 我们将使用收集有关您与我们的内容和互动的信息 ads. 网络信标是放置在网页或电子邮件中的透明图形图像, 这表示页面或电子邮件已被浏览或电子邮件已被转发. 此外,web信标还允许第三方获取IP等信息 下载了显示信标的页面的计算机的地址 出现信标的页面的URL,包含信标的页面的时间 被查看的内容,用于查看页面的浏览器类型,以及cookie中的信息 set by the third party. A web beacon may also tell your browser to get content from another server.

cookie和网络信标(统称为“网站cookie”)可使我们进行跟踪和定位 我们的用户的兴趣,以提高我们的网站上的体验,跟踪用户的行动/行为 on our Site and track the effectiveness of ads.



我们还与各种广告网络合作,帮助我们宣传我们的产品 college and programs. One of the products that we may purchase is a retargeting product, 使我们能够在您访问其他网站时向您展示我们网站的广告 in the network or in third-party networks and social media platforms. Advertising 网络可以通过使用第三方提供的cookie来做到这一点 partners ("advertising cookies"). The sole use of the advertising cookies is to show you advertisements for our Site; they are not being used to target you in any other way. Moreover, these networks do not link or otherwise connect the information in the advertising cookies to any Personal Information that you may have provided.

请注意,这些网络保留访问所有信息的能力 储存在其平台内,以作质素保证及活动评估之用.



我们使用广告商跟踪技术和/或谷歌分析来了解用户如何 use our site so as to enhance the user experience on our Site. If you wish to opt-out of these tracking technologies, you can go to


Contact Information

九州体育平台入口欢迎您对本隐私声明提出意见. 如果您认为九州体育平台入口没有遵守本声明,请 contact We will use reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem.